Most of people drive with their belongings loose inside the car cabin


·      First research about how drivers stow their luggage and belongings in their car trips shows perturbing results.

·      Loose items in the car cabin can cause serious injuries to the occupants in the event of an accident and people are not aware about it.

·      Young parents are more conscious about road safety than youngsters and old parents.

·      Pet lovers behave in a safer way than the rest of the population.



August 29th, 2017



Fixeta has conducted a recent research about how drivers behave when driving for a trip with their friends and family. The investigation has been focused on how drivers around the world stow their belongings in their cars. The research has asked people from several countries and found a really worrisome outlook. In the own words of Fixeta’s Director, Jesus Hernandez: “Drivers are not concerned about the risks of having loose items inside the car in the event of an accident”.


Driving with luggage inside the car cabin without being secured is a huge risk for all people being in the car. In the event of an accident at 37 mph (60 kmh), every item which goes free in the car multiplies by 56 its weight causing lots of damages to those in the car. i.e. a carry-on of 22 lb. (10 kg) free in the back seats will impact to the driver’s body like as being a bull (1,100 lb. – 500 kg).


There are different attitudes towards this issue. From people who really don’t matter at all, to those who think about different options before going through a trip with their cabin full of items. Parenthood is usually a milestone in this behaviour… drivers’ pattern is more closely when the travel with their children aboard other than when they don’t, or they consider they are going to do it anymore.


84% of respondents say that they have travelled with items unsecured inside the car, and more than 55% told they consider that as a “common” way of driving. More detailed data on driver behaviour depending on age, country and distance travelled within the report.

People in age of parenthood are more conscious about danger in traveling with items inside the car cabin: people under 30 don’t consider it as dangerous, and above that age most of the drivers are aware about this unsafe conduct.


Other key points the study concludes are:

·      42.86% of those who usually travel with the car cabin full of baggage consider isn’t dangerous. (34% of the total population).

·      If there is extra luggage, 40% of drivers will carry them unsecured inside the car cabin. Other methods such as using a roof case, carrying them in the foot wells or hiring a courier for delivering at destination aren’t commonly used.


Jesus Hernandez said “We want people travel safer, and running this kind of research let people be more aware they aren’t, take full responsibility of how they drive and improve it”.


To download the full report, just clic here:


About Fixeta

Fixeta is a new concept in carry-on suitcases. After several years of development, Fixeta is a carry-on with two ISOFIX (or LATCH) connectors in its wheels to fix it in the car anchorages to travel safer.

The idea comes from a personal experience of their founders. They were worried about traveling with the car plenty of luggage. They were aware about the consequences of having a car accident or just a sudden sharp break. Using their background in the baby-care industry, they patented and developed a carry-on mixing the ISOFIX / LATCH standard with a traditional carry-on bag.

Fixeta will be soon in the market. To be fully updated, please sign up here:

About Fixeta. A simple suitcase with LATCH / ISOFIX

Fixeta is a new concept in carry-on suitcases. After several years of development, Fixeta is a carry-on with two ISOFIX (or LATCH) connectors in its wheels to fix it in the car anchorages to travel safer.

The idea comes from a personal experience of their founders. They were worried about traveling with the car plenty of luggage. They were aware about the consequences of having a car accident or just a sudden sharp break. Using their background in the baby-care industry, they patented and developed a carry-on mixing the ISOFIX / LATCH standard with a traditional carry-on bag.